February 2nd is Groundhog Day! If the famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, sneaks a peek from his winter sleeping burrow and sees his shadow he will get scared and quickly go back in. Everyone then thinks winter weather will last 6 more weeks, BUT, if February 2nd is a cloudy day, Punxsutawney Phil will NOT see his shadow and we hope that warmer springtime weather will arrive soon! Do you think a groundhog can predict the weather? Watching how animals respond to the weather and keeping your own notes can be a fun hobby! Mimi the Artist enjoys watching the animals and plants around her home and has learned a lot from her observations.

Groundhog Day Cloudy!
Cloudy Day!
Sunny Groundhog Day!
Both Sunny and Cloudy Groundhog Day
Groundhog Day
Groundhog Day coloring page

Many of the drawings are available on mugs, T-shirts, and more!